
Pots And Pots

West German Pottery, Ceramics and Fat Lava



Founded in 1948 by Johann Peter Korzilius.  This family run business still exists today in the town of Ransbach-Baumbach. They no longer manufacture in bulk and instead utilise their facilities to assist studio potters, allowing them to use the equipment and produce limited runs of items.

Around 1985/86 Jopeko re-released many of their most popular old molds designs.

Note: many designs previously attributed to Jopeko are now know to be by Stein Keramik and Gerz Keramik.

Jopeko 905-20

Jopeko 905-20

Jopeko Factory, 2010, Ransbach Baumbach

Jopeko Factory, 2010, Ransbach Baumbach

Jopeko Factory, 2010, Ransbach Baumbach

Jopeko Factory, 2010, Ransbach Baumbach
