
Pots And Pots

West German Pottery, Ceramics and Fat Lava

West German Pottery Spotted (29) – ‘Michael Hogben’s 101 Antiques of the Future’ Book


Michael Hogben’s 101 Antiques of the Future book which was published in 2007 features West German pottery amongst an interesting range of collectables selected to feature in the publication.

The West German vase photographs are perhaps not the most inspiring and they could maybe have taken greater heed to one of their “top tips” for which is to “go for the most brightly coloured vases and jugs”. Fat lava is however given a very positive write up with the headline “Do you want to invest in the next ‘big thing’ in the ceramics category? Then look no further than West German ceramics from the 1950s, ’60s and ’70s”.


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