
Pots And Pots

West German Pottery, Ceramics and Fat Lava

Carstens Luxus Range


The Luxus Range, translating to mean luxury or deluxe, contains some of the highest quality Carstens items. The Luxus range was marked with a paper or material square containing a spiral and from this, hung by a thread, was a large paper/card label (see image below).
Carstens Fat Lava Mark Sticker

The giant floor vase shown below forms part of the Carstens Luxus range. It has the remnants of the square paper label which allows a positive attribution to the Luxus range. The base is marked “C 186-44”, it is not clear why, but a small number of Carstens form numbers are preceded by a letter (for examples see here). The vase stands an imposing 44cm in height. The glaze has extraordinary depth with different colours surfacing and then disappearing beneath another. The vase is currently for sale on eBay – you can see it here.

Carstens C 186-44 Luxus Range Blue

Carstens C 186-44 Luxus Range Label



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