
Pots And Pots

West German Pottery, Ceramics and Fat Lava

West German Pottery – Price Trends – August 2012


This update concludes a years worth of price trend analysis. Sale prices on eBay have been analysed to evaluate West German Pottery price trends. The aim is to monitor the changing value of Fat Lava pottery through analysis of UK eBay sales. The intention is that this will provide a barometer for the popularity/desirability of Fat Lava items.
The average sale price of West German pottery items during August 2012 was £11.45, up slightly from the previous month (£11.13). The top 20% most expensive Fat Lava items average sale price was £51.96, again up on the previous month (£36.95).
How much is Fat Lava Worth West German Pottery Sale Prices Cost Aug 2012
Analysis of trends in price changes during the previous 12 months indicates that the average price has dropped slightly. The cost of the most expensive 20% of vases reduced during the first 6 months but it has started to increase again during the latter half of the analysis.
West German Pottery Sale Prices Aug 2012 - Cost & Value changes over 12 month trends
This data is based on a sample of 1,200 Fat Lava sales on eBay over the last 12 months. It should however be noted that there are a number of uncontrollable variables which will influence the recorded sale prices including the quality of vases offered for sale through eBay, the quantity of vases listed and changes in postage costs.

To see more detail on how the values are calculated click here.


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