
Pots And Pots

West German Pottery, Ceramics and Fat Lava

WGP Spotted (3) – “Red Dwarf” TV Show

Red Dwarf is a science fiction sitcom which was first broadcast in 1988, each episode is 30 minutes long.

During an episode called Legion (Season 6 Episode 2) broadcast on 14th October 1993, Kryten smashes a Scheurich vase over the head of Arnold Rimmer.

Red Dwarf Scheurich Amsterdam Fat Lava West German Vase

Red Dwarf - Scheurich Fat Lava Vase

Red Dwarf Scheurich Amsterdam Fat Lava West German Vase

Red Dwarf - Smashed Scheurich Fat Lava Vase

I used to think it was an Amsterdam decor vase which was used (image to the left below) but on closer inspection I think that it could have been a Koralle decor (image to the right below). If you have a DVD rather than the grainy YouTube footage that I watched and can differentiate it please leave a comment to let us know.



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